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12 世紀末. 大吳哥城最遠的神廟. 大樹破壞了原有的結構, 並與其合而為一. creepy...
Constructed in late 12th century, most distant temple on the grand circuit of Angkor Archaeological Park. Huge tree grows from top of the east gopura (entrance-way). It's destroying the gate but a photo classic.
吳哥城中巴陽式 (Bayon) 神廟入口多半可見七頭蛇石雕. 似乎在守衛著神廟. 多數的石雕不敵歲月摧殘已無法辨識, 這一張在 Preah Palilay 拍到的勉強可見到七個頭.
Nagas, 7-head-snake-shaped constructure. often seen in bayon-style temple. Photo taken in Preah Palilay.
十二世紀晚期, Jayavarman VII 建了父廟 Preah Khan 獻給父親. 此廟曾收留約一千名和尚. 也曾經是 Jayavarman 重建大吳哥城時的暫時居所. 屋宇常見這種傳統阿帕莎拉舞的舞姿雕像. 據說舞者常來研究舞姿.
Constructed in late 12th century, Preah Khan was dedicated to Jayavarman VII's father. Originally served as a Buddhist monastery and school, engaging over 1000 monks. Residence of King Jayavarman VII for a short period during reconstruction of his permanent home in Angkor Thom. Apsara carving is often to see here.
Jayavarman VII 獻給母親的神廟. Tomb Raider 古墓奇兵就是在這裡拍的. 此廟最大的特色就是盤根錯節的數百年老樹盤踞在神廟建築之上, 似乎快將神廟吞沒, very creepy... 照片左方有個小小白白的, 不是靈異照片, 素偶啦. 看倌們略可想像樹到底有多大...
Constructed mid 12th~early 13th century, Ta Phrom was dedicated to Jayavarman VII's mother. Massive trees grow from the towers and corridors, it offers some of best "tree-in-temple" photo opportunities at Angkor. Movie "Tomb Raider" was filmed here. It's me, the small white stuff on the left side of the photo. You can imagine how tall the tree is...
距暹粒市約 38km. 但其雕繪之美, 為不可不看景點之一.
Banteay Srey 為 Jayavarman V 於十世紀末所建, 但法國考古學家到 1914 才發現這裡. 該廟採用紅色砂岩, 浮雕印度教的神話故事及圖騰. 雕工之精細, 研究吳哥藝術的學者一致認為這裡是高棉文化最精髓的代表. 有 "吳哥藝術之鑽" 之美稱.
Built in late 10th century (discovered in 1914), Banteay Srey's pink sandstone construction and ornate design give it a fairyland ambiance. It displays some of the finest examples of classical Khmer art.
五座蓮花座般的寶塔, 最高那座代表印度教教義中須彌山象徵世界中心. 小吳哥為整個吳哥遺址中唯一正面朝西的神廟, 影射日落與死亡, 所以有此一說認為小吳哥為 Suryavarman II 的陵墓.
The most classic point of view of Angkor Wat. Five beehive-like towers rising 65 meters from ground level. Its uncommon westward orientation has led some to suggest that it was constructed as Suryavarman II's funerary temple.
小吳哥從第二層到頂層還要爬十三公尺, 石塊築成的階梯仰角約七十度. 可從"爬"上去的人手腳並用的狼狽狀略知其險. 南面有一有扶手之樓梯供膽小旅客使用. 站在石梯的頂端根本看不到地面. 其實爬上去還好, 訣竅是不要抬頭看上方, 低著頭一級一級往上爬, 也很快就到了. 不過大腳的人要注意, 階梯寬度大約只有腳長的一半, 必須橫過來走. 下去時因南面排隊的遊客太多, 我們是走沒有扶手的西面. 挖勒... 訣竅是坐在一級階梯上, 腳正好可以搆到下兩級的階梯. 沒有看起來那麼嚇人. 不過我們向下爬時, 有些遊客在下方觀望, 可能怕我們會失足落地.
Angkor Wat tower. Stonestairs to the tower has a slope of 70 degrees. Whoever likes to visit the tower on 3rd level of Angkor Wat need to crawl with hands and feet.
鳥瞰小吳哥的佈局像一個回字. 一樓外層是精美的石雕壁畫長廊. 記載當時國王征戰功績, 軍隊規模以及神話故事等. 天堂與地獄主要表現好人上天堂壞人如何在地獄受苦受難的模樣. 每個長廊的起端都有立牌解釋該石雕的故事大綱. 若有當地熟悉歷史背景的導遊解說更為清楚.
The first level of the Angkor Wat, wall of which is covered by bas-reliefs, is the most artistically interesting.
Here part of "Heaven and Hell"
飛天女在小吳哥處處可見, 僅第二層有約兩千個有著不同衣著神情的飛天女石雕. 阿帕莎拉為印度神話中美麗仙女能歌善舞, 常以歌舞取悅眾神. 雕像被破壞的不在少數, 鼻子不見啦, 頭被挖掉啦, 乳房缺一塊啦等等. 十分可惜.
Apsara, mythological celestial nymph. About 2,000 Apsara carvings are to find on the second level of Ankor Wat.
在國廟巴陽城 (Bayon) 三十七個尖塔上, 各有四面各三米高的頭像石雕, 神情各異並非每一個都在微笑. 究竟是誰的臉像仍無法定論, 有的說是佛像, 有的說是國王 Jayavarman VII 的頭像, 也有的說是兩者混合體. 這已成為高棉文化與建築最經典的代表圖樣.
"Khmer Smile" - The giant stone faces of Bayon have become one of the most recognizable images connected to classic Khmer art and architecture. Who the faces represent is a matter of debate, they may be some Buddha, or Jayavarman VII, or a combination of the two.
吳哥王朝消失仍是史上一個無解的謎, 沒有人斷言真正的原因為何. 十九世紀中法國考古學家 Henri Mouhot 根據元朝周達觀真臘風土記的記載到高棉尋找發現這令人驚艷的古文明. 可想而知消失四五百年的王朝遺址如何被埋沒在熱帶叢林裡… 這張勉強可看出被樹叢包圍的景象.